At Hateley Heath we really want to maximise our school funding and invest with thought and care in all we do. Below you will find our Pupil and Sports Premium allocation information which indicates our target areas for this specific funding.
“Pupils have a love and enjoyment of learning and want to achieve well. Their positive achievements reflect their hard work.”
Ofsted report 2024

Sports Premium
PE and Sports Premium is allocated to schools by the government, based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6. The object of the funding is for schools to be able to ‘make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sports that they offer’ See below how this relates to Hateley Heath Academy.

Pupil Premium
Pupil premium funding is given to schools for children who have/ have been registered for FSM (Free School Meals) in the past 6 years, are the children of members in the armed forces, are being looked after or have been adopted from care.
Pupil Premium is used to help close the attainment gap between children of low income and other disadvantaged families, and their peers.