Our Design & Technology Vision:
By the end of Year 6, children at Hateley Heath will explore three key skills of food technology, textiles and construction. The curriculum has been designed to provide children with opportunities to investigate, design, create and evaluate their work. It is a way for children to collaborate and address problems in a real-life context. These skills will be valuable preparation to allow children to take part in the development of tomorrow’s changing world. Beginning at Early Years, the children will have the opportunity to build on their own experiences experimenting with many materials to build and construct. They experience handling a variety of tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely with increasing control. At the end of each outcome, we want children to feel excited and proud of the process they have taken part in and apply those skills at secondary school and in later life, building their values of pride and ambition.

We support Sandwell’s aspirations of creating a highly skilled workforce for the future of the Black Country and our DT curriculum creates the academic foundations and building blocks to provide this area with the next generation of professionals for Sandwell’s key sectors of growth such as the field of advanced manufacturing.