Our school values, expectations, along with British values, underpin our curriculum.
At Hateley Heath Academy we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure every child reaches their full potential and has access to a range of educational experiences whatever their starting points or circumstance. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.
Assessment policies
Children at Hateley Heath are provided with a clear progression of opportunity to engage with, and be part of, a rich, varied and comprehensive curriculum that reflects the interests of the school, its staff, children, parents and the wider national and global communities. Developing independent, resilient, inspired and motivated life-long learners with a sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all of our teaching and learning. We have recently reviewed our curriculum and we in the process of implementing new schemes of work, written to match our children's needs within our community. We aim for children to be able to 'tell the story' of a topic, placing quality texts and powerful knowledge at the heart of each unit of work.
The wider curriculum
The wider curriculum covers all areas of the curriculum that are non-core subjects. This includes art, computing. design and technology, geography, history, music, modern foreign languages, religious education, physical education and personal, social, health and emotional education.
At Hateley Heath, we have updated our assessment policy to be reflective of ensuring that teachers use formative and summative regularly but we have also taken into consideration the DfE teacher workload guidance. This is our visual policy that clearly and succinctly shows our systems for assessment across the school.
Life-long learning
We intend to deliver a curriculum which offers life-long learning, where children enjoy what they are taught, make rapid progress and achieve to the very best of their abilities. We aim for all of our children to be confident individuals who are able to effectively articulate themselves in a range of situations and are able to live healthy and fulfilling lives. We want to nurture responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to the society that they live in.

Along with our school values, our curriculum reflects and builds upon these values through its design to inspire the following aspects.
Raise aspirations. - Encourage creativity. - Promote articulate speakers. - Work as a team and independently. - Develop skills and knowledge. - Build cultural capital. - Become successful. - Celebrate diversity and respect for other cultures and beliefs.